sfrmat3 v2
MatLab function: sfrmat3 Slanted-edge Analysis for digital camera and scanner
function [status, dat, e, fitme, esf, nbin, del2] = sfrmat3(io, del, weight, a, oename)
This function calls:
- ahamming [data] = ahamming(n, mid)
- cent Usage: [b] = cent(a, center)
- centerfig pos=centerfig(relwidth,relheight,scale) calculates the Position vector to center a figure on the screen
- centroid function [loc] = centroid(x)
- clipping [n, status] = clipping(a)
- deriv1 [b] = deriv1(a, nlin, npix, fil)
- findedge [slope, int] = findedge(cent, nlin)
- fir2fix [correct] = fir2fix(n, m);
- getoecf [array, status] = getoecf(array, oename) applies oecf LUT
- getroi [select, coord] = getroi(array, dialtext, tol) Select and return region of interest
- imageread [status,dat,ftype,fpath,fname] = imageread(fname, nlin, npix) reads image files;
- inbox1 Dialog box for input of data sampling for SFR calculation
- inbox3 Dialog box for input of data sampling and weights for red, green
- project [point, status] = project(bb, loc, slope, fac)
- results2 results: Matlab function saves results computed by sfrmat3.m.
- rotatev2 [a, nlin, npix, rflag] = rotatev2(a) Rotate edge array vertical
- sampeff [eff, freqval, sfrval] = sampeff(dat, val, del, fflag, pflag) Sampling efficiency from SFR
- splash info: displays simple splash window announcing program name, version
This function is called by:
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