[correct] = fir2fix(n, m); Correction for MTF of derivative (difference) filter n = frequency data length [0-half-sampling (Nyquist) frequency] m = length of difference filter e.g. 2-point difference m=2 3-point difference m=3 correct = nx1 MTF correction array (limited to a maximum of 10) Example plotted as the MTF (inverse of the correction) % 2-point [correct2] = fir2fix(50, 2); % 3-point [correct3] = fir2fix(50, 3); figure,plot(1./correct2), hold on plot(1./correct3,'--') legend('2 point','3 point') xlabel('Frequency index [0-half-sampling]'); ylabel('MTF'); axis([0 length(correct) 0 1]) 24 July 2009 Copyright (c) Peter D. Burns 2005-2009