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[eff, freqval, sfrval] = sampeff(dat, val, del, fflag, pflag) Sampling efficiency from SFR


function [eff, freqval, sfrval] = sampeff(dat, val, del, fflag, pflag)


[eff, freqval, sfrval] = sampeff(dat, val, del, fflag, pflag) Sampling efficiency from SFR
 First clossing method with local interpolation
dat   = SFR data n x 2, n x 4 or n x 5 array. First col. is frequency
val = (1 x n) vector of SFR threshold values, e.g. [0.1, 0.5]
del = sampling interval in mm (default = 1 pixel)
fflag = 1 filter [1 1 1 ] filtr applied to sfr
      = 0 (default) no filtering
pflag = 0 (default) plot results
      = 1 no plots
eff = efficiency based on first value  - val(1)
freqval = frequency values corresponding to val
sfrval = sfr values for freqval
Needs: findfreq

 Author: Peter Burns, 1 Oct. 2008
 Copyright (c) 2007 Peter D. Burns


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