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sfrmat3 and supporting functions 24 July 2009


This is a script file.


 sfrmat3 and supporting functions            24 July 2009

 General info: readme.txt
 ahamming - asymmetrical Hamming window
 cent     - array shift for centering data
 centerfig - calculates the position vector for figure
 centroid - finds centroid of vector
 clip - limit values for data low and high
 clipping - checks for image data clipping
 deriv1   - first derivative of array
 findedge - fits linear equation to data
 findfreq - find frequency for specified SFR value
 fir2fix - correction for MTF of derivative (difference) filter
 getoecf  - read and apply oecf LUT
 getroi   - select and return region of interest
 imageread - read image data
 inbox1   - dialogue box for data sampling for SFR calculation
 inbox3   - dialogue box for input of data sampling, weights
 inputdlg - creates a modal dialog box
 isarray  - check if input is array
 project  - projects data
 readraw1 - read images stored as raw (byte) data files
 readrawgui - User input needed for reading .raw files by imageread
 results  - Matlab function saves results computed by sfrmat2.m
 results2 -  saves results computed by sfrmat3
 rotate90 - 90 degree counterclockwise rotations of matrix
 rotatev  - rotate array
 rotatev2 - rotate edge array so the feature is vertical
 sampeff - sampling efficiency from SFR
 sfrmat3  - Main slanted-edge and color mis-registration programme
 splash   - displays simple splash window announcing program name
 std2 - std2 standard deviation of matrix elements
 test_sfrmat3 - run and compare sfrmat2 and sfrmat3
 textfig - puts text in figure


This function calls: This function is called by:
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